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All over the world, there’s an increasing urgency to protect our planet, just like we safeguard the biology of our bodies; and more and more companies are using aromatherapy oils instead of perfumes in their skincare ranges. Manufacturers of products that are aligned with the safety rules of IFRA (the International Fragrance Association) and the EU are well aware that certain oils are rejected by IFRA from use in personal care products.

This completely resonates with what I’ve learnt in my years of experience with aromatherapy. Some oils can, for example, overstimulate the mind, cause skin sensitivities or lead to damage when exposed to the sun. It’s always been my intention to use aromatherapy oils as part of my phytomedicine protocol to create skincare ranges with healing benefits. There’s a vast difference between products that harm and products that heal – and with so much fantasy marketing being delivered on so many platforms (and everyone claiming to be eco-conscious), it’s more important than ever to empower consumers with honest and accurate information about safe skincare.

My spiritual teacher’s words often echo in my heart, and when it comes to responsible marketing and product development, his sentiments couldn’t be more true: “Money comes and money goes, but morality stays.”It’s so easy to cut corners and offer cheap products, while promising to deliver greatness. But that’s hardly ethical.



At Africology, we honour every step of the amenity  formulating process to ensure that it’s completely ethical and in line with our moral imperatives. Before any product is blended, the IFRA rules are carefully considered and adhered to. After all, we acknowledge and respect the wellbeing of the entire body, so restoring the balance within an anxious mind is as important as preventing skin sensitivities.

The olfactory system plays a pivotal role in helping to balance emotions and restore our sense of wellbeing. But when it’s overstimulated with oils like lemongrass or lemon verbena, for example, it may cause skin sensitivities. It’s also important to note that some oils, like these, are contraindicated for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. And if you venture out into the sun, it’s best to know what the damaging effects of the phytochemicals (chemical compounds produced by plants) in certain oils are. Also important to note is that Lemon Verbena is not recommended in the use by diabetics.

 While it may be beneficial to inhale these oils for certain conditions, it’s not advisable to blend them into personal care products. It’s easy to spot a product that isn’t aligned with IFRA – and conformity is key. A key guideline used my toxicologist. As a certified health coach, my training, the wisdom I’ve gained about healing and my thorough understanding of the IFRA directives guide me in my work with essential oils – and so I formulate Africology’s products based on these principles.



Guests essentially place their trust in the hands of procurement teams at various hospitality establishments and to honour this trust, it’s crucial to align safety and comfort. When you start cutting costs, you may well be cutting back on guest safety too. One way to ensure that standards never slip is for procurement teams to insist that suppliers provide their testing confirmation.

Bureau Veritas does all of Africology’s testing and issue our letter of conformity. Added to this, our toxicology reports are in accordance with EU regulations. When it comes to the wellbeing, comfort and healing of our clients, we believe that it’s all part of a sacred journey that should be inherently safe and consistently true to its eco-aware intentions.


An exciting zero-waste future awaits…

How far has mankind’s earth-friendly principles really evolved – and is it enough to be able to say that your practices support biodegradable and reusable efforts? How aware is society really of forward-thinking developments such as the use of corn-based alternatives to plastic bottles?

Being able to literally plant empty amenity containers is no longer a distant dream and we can’t wait for all the positive changes and opportunities that 2020 will bring. Guests who don't want to use glass will finally be able to employ the most earth-friendly principles, and Africology’s new ranges of waterless formulations are nothing short of inspiring. We are working tirelessly towards leaving zero waste behind, especially in natural settings, and this includes the elimination of waste packaging.

This coming year will be our most exciting one yet. From eliminating excess water use to moving from over-packaging to plant-waste packaging, it’ll be a year of waking up daily with new inspiration… As well as the knowledge that we can play an authentic role in restoring balance by protecting the planet as well as the body’s delicate bio-system.

Our new packaging can be planted once used! It has been a long vision for me, to see our waste being biodegraded in soil. Let me know if you are interested in more information, on water saving products and mostly biodegradable left over packaging that can be planted in soil.


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