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How We Manufacture

How We Manufacture  

Africology began in a humble residential kitchen, with products made by hand and packed by the family for clients. Over time we have built up an extensive manufacturing facility, which allows us to control every step of production, ensuring that our high standards are met. We opt to still make majority of our products by hand and in small batches. Not only to sustain job creation but to also ensure extra care and love is given to each and every batch we formulate.

Our manufacturing facilities are ISO 22716:2007 certified in line with international GMP (Good Manufacturing Standards) ensuring that each process in the production of Africology products adhere to the highest quality assurance.

By not outsourcing our production, we can ensure the integrity of our products. Many of our oils and plant extracts are delicate, and we take care to ensure that they are not damaged by excess heat or over-processing. We can maintain the integrity of every ingredient to ensure the very best results.

Our Ingredients

Ethical and cruelty-free - there is no sense in harming others for self-gain.

We love Nature and its ability to provide plants that heal. We are strongly against animal testing and have never tested any of our products on animals. We choose to test on human skin in our dermatological testing protocol, and strive to only use ingredients that do not need to be tested on animals. 

Using the finest natural and organic ingredients, we work on our formulations to ensure that they never contain harsh chemicals. Our intention is to treat all skin as sensitive and precious. Because our skincare products are packed with biologically-active ingredients, we know that our products nurture and nourish the skin, maintaining a healthy, natural balance. We value the activity of the endocrine system, and know that what we put on our skin can either support or break down this vital biological system. We avoid all oestrogen-mimicking chemicals and plastics that might otherwise harm your endocrine system. We believe that sustainability is a key part of skin management, which is why we choose ingredients that are aligned with your health and functionality for the long term. 

We would love for Africology to be an integral part of your daily skin/wellness routine, knowing that it can support your wellbeing instead of acting as a quick fix.

Chemical No No's

Ingredients we stay away from..

May give rise to breast cancer in women and testicular cancer in men. Although there haven’t been any conclusive studies proving this, it should be enough to make one concerned.


A study done by the US “Centers for Disease Control” found a trace of it in every single person they analysed. This is problematic because phthalates – which are used in cosmetics and also in many plastic objects – have been found to act as a hormone disruptor linked to reproductive defects, insulin resistance and developmental problems in children.
They’re often found in anything that misleadingly lists “fragrance” as an ingredient. Stick to products that are scented with essential oils as an alternative.

Benzoyl Peroxide

Found in acne treatments, It’s been linked to the promotion of tumour growth.


Triclosan has been shown to work as both a hormone and thyroid disruptor.
It works very well at killing bacteria, and that’s actually the problem: not all bacteria are bad for you, and furthermore, some experts speculate widespread use of this chemical could give rise to “superbugs” – harmful bacteria resistant to antibiotics.


Used freely in hair colour products shown in studies to disrupt healthy thyroid function in animals.


A skin lightener that reduces dark blemishes . Hydroquinone reduces the melanin in your skin, it permanently alters your pigment while also weakening the elastin and collagen
Some people get unsightly blotches after using hydroquinone, and far more get contact dermatitis or have allergic reactions after regular use. There is some suspicion that it’s a carcinogen. The results aren’t worth the harm it causes.


It hides behind many names that you should familiarize yourself with. They are:
Mineral oil
Liquid paraffin
It’s because it contains 1,4-Dioxane, which has been listed by the World Health Organization and the Environmental Protection Agency as a probable carcinogen.


Just the name alone is intimidating. Thankfully known as MIT for short. Studies have shown that it contains neurotoxic properties that should be of great concern to all consumers.
In studies with rats, a mere 10 minutes of exposure to MIT was enough to cause brain cell damage. Further studies concluded that low concentrations of MIT during neural development increased the risk of seizures and visual abnormalities.


Oxybenzone is an active ingredient in quite a few sunscreen products. Unfortunately, this chemical has been linked to hormone disruption and low birth weights in baby girls.
What’s scary is that a study conducted by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control found that oxybenzone is present in the urine of 97% of Americans.

Artificial Dyes and Synthetic Colours

Studies have shown it to be carcinogenic, contains heavy metals that they deposit on your skin.

Sodium Laureth Sulphate

Foaming Agent. The effects are Eye irritation, rashes, hair loss, flaking skin, mouth ulcerations. When combined with other cosmetic chemicals, it produces nitrosamines, which are carcinogenic.

PEG’s polyethylene glycol.

Dea - Diethanolamine
Mea - Monoethanolamine
Tea - Triethanolamine
Solvent pH Adjuster & Lathering Agent. These are hormone disrupting chemicals which can form carcinogenic nitrates. Banned In UK.

Isopropyl Alcohol Sd - 40

Drying Agent. Disrupts skin’s immune protective barrier, making it vulnerable. Creates irregular pigmentation and age spots. Irritant.

Propylene Glycol

Drying Agent. Skin agent that increases susceptibility to cancer.

Dmdm Hydantion-Imidazolidinyl

Preservative. Can release formaldehyde into the body triggering skin reactions, allergies, joint pain, dizziness, low immunity. Formaldehyde undermines the life processes of living matrix. Morticians use this for embalming.

EDTA And Disodium EDTA

Stabilizer and prevents texture, odour or consistency changes. Shown to accelerate the formation of hydroxy radicals which damage cell membranes, triggers degenerative changes in the cells. A FAST TRACK TO RAPID AGING.


Now Also Used Instead of Parabens (4) Links to cancer, allergen, immunotoxicity, skin, eye lung irritation. Often used in baby ranges. 

Ammonium Sulphate

Wildlife and Environmental Toxicity-European Union - Classification & Labelling

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