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Aluminium-Free Packaging

My training in energy healing has been a profound gift in the development of Africology. Understanding the human energy system, our delicate neuropathways, and how plants and flowers positively affect our wellbeing was the foundation of our formulations.

Sadly, a fabulous formulation that is not chelated from heavy metals and makes use of aluminium packaging can harm our neuro system and may just be the cause of an unhealthy brain.

Metal is a conductor and it either has a positive or negative charge.

This week, witnessing cosmetic companies promoting the use of aluminium product packaging, I literally wanted to rescue humanity from buying into its use.

It’s cheap, it’s easy to travel with, but it is not biodegradable, and its impact on the environment is not clean.

 In my silent space, where I had to manage my heightened emotions and pattern of rescuing, I asked the Universe to guide me in educating consumers on why they need to avoid the use of aluminium packaging.

For years now, we have educated on the importance of heavy metal toxicity and the importance of detoxing from aluminium in our bodies.

There have been many publicised studies on the damaging effect of heavy metals on our brains and neuro systems. 

Then, just this morning in my silent space meditating, I asked for more guidance as the algorithms for cosmetic packaging companies promoting the use of aluminium were dominating… But why?

 My angels were on standby and I found the following scholarly articles:

Positive Energy

At Africology, we are dedicated to nurturing both your skin and awareness with the purest of intentions.

Resonance Apothecary elevates our products to positively charge the skin's neuro vibration. When Africology touches your skin, we know it can elevate your happy zones.

Ensuring the highest vibrational impact on your well-being is our intention.

We're not just creating products; we're crafting soulful skin applications for a balanced mind.

"Educate to Illuminate: The Light of Understanding"

 Aluminium, despite being naturally abundant, carries significant health risks. It's a known neurotoxin that gradually accumulates in the human body, especially as we age. This accumulation can hinder the body's ability to detox, and with aluminium heightening the risk of developing serious neurological conditions, including Alzheimer's disease.

Imagine biting onto tinfoil – that is what happens to your neurosystem in the skin when products are stored in aluminium.

While the cosmetic industry frequently chooses aluminium packaging for its cost-effectiveness, our priority at Africology is, and always will be, your health. We go beyond merely offering holistic skincare solutions; we are committed to protecting your health from the potential dangers of aluminium exposure. Our products are not just housed in aluminium-free containers; they are also carefully formulated to be free of heavy metals and are biologically chelated, ensuring the removal of any trace heavy metals in each batch produced.

In this season of giving, we invite you to join us in embracing kindness – kindness towards your skin, towards others, and towards our planet. Opting for Africology means choosing health-conscious packaging and products, a choice that echoes care for both yourself and the environment.

Let's celebrate the gift of health with conscious choices.

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