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To all our Customers,

It comes with a great knowing that the lock down prescribed by President Ramaphosa is the right thing to do. As a family we support these efforts and will be closing operations from COB Thursday 26th March – 16th April therefore giving our staff the right to be in their homes (with full pay) and so collectively we can flatten the curve.

Whilst we do this we also know that the remedy for fear is gratitude. We are grateful for your support and thank you for journeying with us. We will take this time of solitude to reflect, and share with you thoughts and what comes from our higher minds during this break from the world out there. Please do know, that we are working very hard to process all outstanding orders before the shutdown. Our courier partners remain open throughout the lock down to ensure your deliveries are met. Any new orders placed from the 24th March 2020 may only be dispatched after the 21 day lock down.

When faced with fear, anxiety and uncertainty coupled with the need for social distancing it is paradoxically a time where compassion and unity is needed most. As a family business our origins were born from a place in which our love for the healing arts were manifested into Africology. We understand that healing is not only on the physical level. Healing from the heart lies in the awareness that we are all One. Some more fortunate than others. And in this we have always reached out to return a powerful energy flow to those who need our support.

Over the last few months we have invested, with your help, a substantial amount of cash towards the Nourish Foundation in Limpopo in order to create vegetable gardens. In hindsight, we now can see just how relevant this mission is. As being able to eat from a home grown base will no doubt save many lives. During these times we have concerted our efforts to ensure those in dire need are assisted during this crisis.

Today as a family we have decided to purchase non-perishable items in order to donate to;

Please click on the logo to learn more and to donate: 


Although our efforts will be aimed at food supplies we will also be supplying over much-needed Hand Sanitiser and well as multi-surface Sanitising Spray.

Let’s remember that this is a time to heal, to give, to serve and live out our value systems. Together we are stronger. We thank you for your recent purchase and donation and making a difference.

We trust that you will be safe whilst isolating in peace.

Nkosi Sikelel' iAfrika

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